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Album Review: The Neptune Power Federation - Goodnight My Children

It was a good few years since I discovered the amazing sound of the Australian rock heavyweights, The Neptune Power Federation. I remember first hearing their music in 2019 with their album, Memoirs of a Rat Queen and just being completely blown away by their sound. The precise riffs, the eclectic influences, the gut-busting solos, everything just works in their sound. I guarantee that if you like that 70’s style hard rock or the new wave of British heavy metal sound, then this band really do have something for you. I have been keen to listen to them over and over, whenever I’m out for a walk their music is usually one of the first things I think to listen to. So you bet I was super excited to know that they would be releasing a new album, Goodnight My Children in 2024. Now that their sixth album is out and I’ve had the chance to listen to it I thought I would put my thoughts out there.

The album is mostly your standard rock fare with a healthy dose of grandiosity. I think this album has a lot of depth to it songs that can really make you think and then you have the just plain fun songs. All together in a melding pot make this album incredibly enjoyable. From a production standpoint, this album sounds just simply wonderful. The guitars pop and you really get that groovy thick bass tone coming through. The drums have a clean polish to them you can really hear the connective tissue of this record. Tying it all together is an amazing vocal performance. Vocalist, Screaming Loz Sutch has this enchanting voice that captivates you. There’s such a level of command that they have, when they play, you pay attention. You can certainly hear their influences as they wear them on their sleeve. However, I think for this record they definitely took more from bands like artists like Doro and Saxon. Those almost classic rock-sounding riffs are just undeniable. I think my favourite tracks are “Betrothed to the Serpent” for it’s almost progressive pop inspired chorus it’s one of the tracks that almost lands with me. I also like the slow rising build of the album closer and title track “Goodnight My Children” as it transitions from an blues-like opening to a cacophony of a climax.

I think this album does have some lacking areas, mind you. Looking back, I do like some of their previous albums more. The previous album La Demon de’Lamor had more of a sticky quality. The songs from that album just stuck in my head so much from first listen and I still put them on rotation to this day. Whereas, I don’t think this album has as strong hooks. When I first put this album on it was over before I had a real chance to get to like any of the songs. I’m sure this album will grow on me with time as it’s very replayable and the songs are likeable. Yet, nothing really jumped out at me like a headliner. It’s a very fan-boy problem to have. I really love this band and their music so it was a little frustrating that this album didn’t grab my attention right from the get-go like their previous work.

Overall, I do like this record though I wouldn’t say I love it as of the time of this writing. The production is absolutely top-notch and the songs are pleasant to listen to. I’m sure by the end of this year after I’ve listened to it half a dozen times more it will be in my top ten of the year. The music is very well polished and it sounds pretty much perfect. I think as a formula, The Neptune Power Federation have got this down to a science. Their songwriting prowess is not in question. I think they are incredibly talented, and if you’re someone who’s been looking for a psychedelic rock band that incorporates elements of stoner rock and classic heavy metal, then they are very much up your alley. I absolutely adore this band. Goodnight My Children is a very worthy offering to the rock gods and may the band be in their favour.


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