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Gig Report: Novacrow @Tank Bar, St Helens 08/04/23

You may, or may not be aware that I’ve talked about Novacrow several times over the years. Well, I have and I will not stop until… Well, I don’t really have an end date on that. They are a superb band that always puts a smile on my face. Their unique brand of weirdness is the cure for any bad mood or vibe you might be having. When I heard they were going to be playing in Tank, well for me, that was a recipe for a good ol’ fun time. Joining the fun for that night were alt-rockers Spitfyre and prog-rock outfit, Apparitia. Also for the first time in a while, it was an outdoor gig. Yes, the British weather behaved itself long enough for us to get outdoors and play hard rock to the heavens. Which was nice after such a long winter. So drink in hand and ready to go I was ready for the bands to start.


There’s always something quite special about experiencing a band's music live, especially when you’ve never listened to them before. I really liked the set from Spitfyre. Their music was a great mix of metalcore and heavy metal with some elements of classic rock interwoven through. Some of the guitar licks and riffs had a feeling of Saxon but played heavier, that’s my best attempt at describing it. Yet, when they wanted to drive up the heavy they certainly could. They kicked everything into overdrive very quickly. The riffs were tight I really liked the groove, their setlist flowed from one song to the next. They built momentum so well and paid it off with cathartic screams and effective breakdowns. The guitar solos were well performed, they had a simplistic quality to them and fit so smoothly in the rhythm. Their performance was fast and furious and filled with fun moments. They did their utmost to get the crowd moving, even in the limited space. Premiering a new song in front of a small crowd is always good to test the waters. Showing off their new single “Shame” the band performed it with vigorous excitement and passion and to be fair, it’s a belter of a tune. An exciting band and a great set to shake off those tired bones of mine.


Apparitia was an interesting band. I will say that prog-rock is always very hit-or-miss for me. Saying that… this was a decent set. I was very music blown away by the musicality of the band. Every moment was filled to the brim with technical playing and intricate musical skills. Both of the guitarists traded guitar solos and riffs and all of that was contained by an excellent rhythm section. The way they navigated through multiple musical parts and kept the performance consistent was very impressive. The vocalist took a bit to come alive but when she did, I felt the band came together in a wonderful way. Getting the crowd to dance and groove along to the melodies certainly warmed me up to them as they broke the ice. The band managed to cycle through many different kinds of rock in a short amount of time, flexing their musical skill all throughout. I liked that the music was multi-layered all built upon a solid foundation. They came to the evening with new material to share as well and a driven determination. They powered through the set and displayed genuine enthusiasm, which is always appreciated. They definitely perked my ears up and intrigued my old brain.


Last but certainly not least was the unusual and always energetic, Novacrow. Oh man, these guys are always a treat. They delivered hard rock tunes along with comedy. The setlist was comprised entirely of new songs from their latest album, Look At Me Now. If you want to know my thoughts on that record, check my review on Valkyrian Music. So, this was a refreshing set as the times I’d seen them before it’s all been their older material. Just to start and I can get this out of the way, this is my fourth time watching Novacrow and I think this is the fourth time I’ve heard them with microphone issues. A joke I shared with the lead vocalist, Kitty after the show. I just thought I’d share that as it did colour the performance for the first half of the set. They did course-correct, it was just something that I needed to mention or my report would be somewhat remiss.

Anyway, the set was a pretty well-comprised one. There was plenty for the crowd to enjoy with songs like “Medusa Medusa” and “Not Your Mannequin” hitting those rock highs. Then you had tracks like “Shapes In The Sky” and “Hush” adding that surreal eery tone to the set. I think playing under the night sky suited them well. The band’s theatrics are always a welcome sight as they tried to use as much of the venue as possible. Kitty, vocalist, and Freddy, on bass, especially made a complete spectacle of themselves. Even in the cramped stage space they still manage to make the night feel like something special. It’s one of the reasons I love this band so much, it doesn’t matter where they are, they make anywhere feel like festival grounds.

I think this set gave me a new appreciation for the song “Why Are My Dreams Always Trying To Kill Me?” A song that I usually breeze passed when I listen to the album. Yet in this setlist, it almost felt like the centrepiece. It was played with such conviction that the band just sold it. I mean they went for broke here and I kind of loved them for it. The song has such an intense and frantic nature and the live performance was so well done. This was such a bold and fun set. The band mix hard rock, surreal nature and comedy so effortlessly. So awesome!

What an excellent night of music. I think each band brought their own brand of chaotic fire. I would certainly recommend all of them to one degree or another. I don’t think I could ever get truly bored of Novacrow. They’re just one of the most fun bands on the British underground rock scene. They’re just so happy to make complete fools of themselves in the name of a good stage show. All I can say is… Another top night, completed.



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